25 thoughts on “MCFC Chairman Khaldoon scores a hatrick !”

  1. Not bad to have your Chairman,who loves the game,and not all that bad skills either.That first touch to set up the goal was not bad at all!

  2. Nossa que BOSTA de jogo ,até jogo de varzea de qualquer lugar do BRASIL é mais emocionante que essa bosta,sem falar que esses cara ganham puta grana pra jogar nos emirados arabes ,catar,sei la,nem torcida tem ,como gostam de queimar dinheiro.

  3. Pretty nice finishes if I’m honest, but on the chunky side though
    Then again he’s worth like 3 billion quid so I guess he’s allowed to be haha

  4. You cant possibly count the last one as his goal, hit the keeper went in off the defender, own goal

  5. Biggest fix ever lolololol. The guys rich as fuck but surely hes not that stupid? “Everybodys letting me through….. I AM MESSI”

  6. Dumbass, it’s a charity game ! Why would it be fixed ? And The White Team are UAE Football stars and the other team are F1 stars……So deffinatly theres going to be a difference in playing football

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